What Is ‘Whiskey Dick’? Causes, Solutions And Prevention

One of the most common sexual side effects for men is something known as ‘whiskey dick’. But what is it, why does it happen and how can it be prevented? We explore.

What Is ‘Whiskey Dick’? Causes, Solutions And Prevention
What Is ‘Whiskey Dick’?

It’s well known that alcohol can have a significant impact on sexual performance. [1] One of the most common sexual side effects for men is something known as ‘whiskey dick’. But what is it, and why does it happen? Most importantly, can it be prevented? Let’s explore these questions with help from the ZipHealth experts.

What is ‘whiskey dick’?

‘Whiskey dick’ is an informal term for the difficulty some men experience achieving or maintaining an erection after drinking alcohol. Despite the name ‘whiskey dick’, erectile dysfunction can be caused by any type of alcohol, not just whiskey.

What are the effects of alcohol on erectile dysfunction?

One or two alcoholic drinks might help some people feel more relaxed and confident during sexual activity, but even just a small amount of alcohol can impact on sexual performance. That’s because it affects blood flow, which is essential for a strong erection as well as parts of your central nervous system needed for arousal.

While ‘whiskey dick’ is a temporary issue, chronic heavy drinking can lead to long-term erectile dysfunction (ED). [2]

How to prevent alcohol-related erectile dysfunction

The best way to prevent so-called ‘whiskey dick’ is to only drink in moderation. Here are a few practical tips to keep in mind when consuming alcohol.

Preparation: Drinking on an empty stomach can increase alcohol absorption, so it’s important to remember to eat beforehand.

During: Stick to lighter drinks, and aim to alternate alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages (ideally water) to help increase hydration and reduce the amount of alcohol in the bloodstream.

After: Still experiencing ED despite drinking in moderation? Stay calm — performance anxiety and stress can exacerbate issues further. If the sexual performance problems persist without the influence of alcohol, it may be worth seeking an erectile dysfunction treatment.

Is there a female version of whiskey dick?

While women don’t experience erectile dysfunction, they can still have alcohol-related sexual issues. Excessive drinking can reduce lubrication, lower arousal, and make it harder for women to achieve orgasm. [3]

Struggling with erectile dysfunction?

At ZipHealth, we’re here to help you take control of your sexual health, whether it's improving your performance or helping you prevent problems.

To find out if an ED treatment is right for you, start your online consultation today.


  1. Li S, Song JM, Zhang K, Zhang CL. A Meta-Analysis of Erectile Dysfunction and Alcohol Consumption. Urologia Internationalis.2021;105(11-12):969–85.
  2. Benegal V, Arackal B. Prevalence of sexual dysfunction in male subjects with alcohol dependence. Indian Journal of Psychiatry [Internet].2007;49(2):109. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2917074/
  3. Salari N, Razie Hasheminezhad, Almasi A, Hemmati M, Shamarina Shohaimi, Akbari H, et al. The risk of sexual dysfunction associated with alcohol consumption in women: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Women’s Health [Internet].2023 May 2;23(1). Available from: https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10155345/