Sexsomnia: The Sleep Disorder Affecting Relationships

Have you ever heard of sexsomnia? It’s a sleep disorder where people engage in sexual activities like masturbation while asleep, and it’s more common than you might think. Online searches for sexsomnia are up 295% in the past month.
In this article, we uncover its impact on relationships based on our findings from a survey of 1,004 Americans. The results can provide tips and insights for those affected.
Key takeaways
- Over 1 in 5 Americans (21%) have experienced sexsomnia themselves or had a partner who did.
- Men who experience erectile dysfunction (ED) are 48% more likely than those without ED to experience sexsomnia.
- Surprise (57%), confusion (41%), and curiosity (33%) are the most common reactions to a sexsomnia experience.
- Nearly 1 in 5 men who have experienced sexsomnia (18%) sought out medical advice or treatment as a result.
- 46% of relationships that experienced sexsomnia claimed it strengthened their relationships, while 4% said it led to a breakup.

Generation X is the most likely to have experienced sexsomnia themselves or had a partner who experienced it (24%).
- Women are 31% more likely than men to react with concern over a sexsomnia experience.
- Respondents who haven’t experienced sexsomnia themselves or haven’t had a partner who experienced it are:
- 121% more likely to expect to react with concern.
- 111% more likely to expect to react with support.
- 79% less likely to expect to react with embarrassment.
- 57% more likely to feel it would weaken their relationship.
- 50% more likely to feel it would lead to a breakup.
For this study, we surveyed 1,004 Americans about their experiences with sexsomnia. Generationally, 8% of respondents reported as Baby boomers, 24% as Generation X, 53% as Millennials, and 15% as Generation Z. 56% of respondents reported as male, 43% reported as female, and 1% reported as nonbinary.
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