America’s Ideal Sex Duration - ZipHealth

A new survey reveals Americans’ ideal sex duration across genders and generations and how it impacts satisfaction.

America’s Ideal Sex Duration - ZipHealth
America’s Ideal Sex Duration - ZipHealth

How long is long enough when it comes to sexual intercourse? In our most recent study, we surveyed 500 Americans and Britons about their preferences and experiences to shed light on the complex dynamics of sexual satisfaction.

This article explores how gender and age intersect with desired sex duration. From the impact of foreplay to orgasm rates and the effects of watching porn, we’ve uncovered eye-opening details about American and British bedroom habits. We also offer some of their strategies for managing sexual challenges and how sexual frequency correlates with sexual satisfaction. These patterns can provide a better understanding of sexual health and dynamics in contemporary America and Briton.

Key takeaways

  • Sexually satisfied Americans and Britons typically prefer their intimate interactions, including foreplay and afterplay, to last around 35 minutes.
  • 33% of Americans engage in sexual activities 2-3 times per week, compared to just 23% of Britons.
  • Americans and Britons who have sex 2-3 times per week or more report the highest levels of sexual satisfaction.
  • 39% of Americans and Britons report lasting the longest during nighttime, averaging about 18 minutes. In contrast, only 5% say they last the longest in the middle of the day, with an average duration of around 10 minutes.
  • Over 22% of Americans and Britons say sex doesn’t last long enough for women to orgasm.
  • 15 minutes of foreplay is typically sufficient for many American and Briton women to achieve orgasm.
  • Nearly 40% of Americans are not satisfied with how often they have sex.
    • Satisfaction with sex frequency of Americans by gender:
      • Women: 67%
      • Men: 57%
    • Satisfaction with sex frequency of Americans by generation:
      • Baby boomers: 63%
      • Gen X: 61%
      • Millennials: 57%
      • Gen Z: 70%
  • Over 40% of Britons are not satisfied with how often they have sex.
    • Satisfaction with sex frequency of Britons by generation:
      • Baby boomers: 62%
      • Gen X: 53%
      • Millennials: 57%
      • Gen Z: 66%
  • Satisfaction with sex frequency of Britons by gender:
    • Women: 65%
    • Men: 54%
  • 18% of Americans aren’t currently having sex.
    • Americans not having sex by generation:
      • Baby boomers: 14%
      • Gen X: 25%
      • Millennials: 37%
      • Gen Z: 23%
  • 20% of Britons aren’t currently having sex.
    • Britons not having sex by generation:
      • Baby boomers: 7%
      • Gen X: 28%
      • Millennials: 35%
      • Gen Z: 31%
  • 33% of Americans engage in sexual activities 2-3 times per week, compared to just 23% of Britons.
  • Over 90% of Americans and Britons who have sex 2-3 times per week or more are the most sexually satisfied.
  • Americans and Britons who are sexually satisfied prefer sex to last around 35 minutes, including foreplay and afterplay.
  • Typical duration of sexual activities among satisfied Americans and Britons:
    • Foreplay: 15 minutes
    • Intercourse: 15 minutes
    • Afterplay: 5 minutes
  • Americans and Briton Gen Zers report lasting the longest in bed, with an average time of 38 minutes, including foreplay and afterplay.
  • 36% of Americans prefer to have sex at night, while only 17% prefer the morning.
  • 25% of Britons prefer to have sex at night, while only 16% prefer the morning.
  • 39% of Americans last the longest at night, averaging around 18 minutes. Only 5% last the longest in the middle of the day — around 10 minutes.
  • 40% of Britons last the longest at night, averaging around 15 minutes. Only 5% last the longest in the middle of the day — around 10 minutes.
  • Over 22% of Americans and Britons say sex doesn’t last long enough for women to orgasm.
    • Time spent on foreplay and intercourse for the highest likelihood of women achieving orgasm for both Americans and Britons:
      • Foreplay: 14 minutes
      • Intercourse: 15 minutes
    • Americans and Britons who spend an extra 5 minutes on foreplay report more female orgasms compared to those who spend 5 minutes less on it.
    • American and Briton baby boomers report the most sex that lasts long enough for female orgasm (85%).
  • 8% of American and 3% Briton women have asked their partner to masturbate before sex to prevent premature ejaculation.
  • Top strategies to manage erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation among Americans and Britons:
    • Experimenting with different sexual positions: 22%
    • Communication: 18%
    • Lifestyle changes (e.g., exercise, diet): 18%
    • Sexual aids (e.g., rings, lubricants): 14%
    • Pre-sex masturbation: 12%
  • Nearly 10% of sexually active Americans and Britons use medications like Viagra or Cialis to manage erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation.
  • Americans and Britons who watch pornography multiple times per day typically last around 5 minutes longer than those who do not watch pornography.


For this study, we surveyed 500 Americans and 500 Britons about their ideal sex duration. Among Americans, the average age was 38. Generationally, 6% of respondents reported as baby boomers, 21% as Generation X, 49% as Millennials, and 24% as Generation Z. Among Britons, the average age was 35. Generationally,  3% of respondents reported as baby boomers, 20% as Generation X, 47% as Millennials, and 29% as Generation Z.

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